Cage Details
Number of items available as of 07/25/2018 | Item ID (if any) | Price |
0 Cages can be made on request | cage1-blu-sil | $15.00 |
The Cage Item ID System explained:
the word 'cage', size number, leg heatshrink color, lobster clasp color
Some examples are:
- size number - 1
- blue leg heatshrink - blu
- silver lobster clasps - sil
So for example, the ID for the cage shown in the picture on the left would be:
The cage shown in the photo on the left is the color scheme I use most frequently. The legs are covered with 1.5mm blue heatshrink. Many other colors are available.
The lobster clasps shown are bright silver/chrome color, but antique brass and bright gold are also available.
The cage shown in the photo on the left is made specifically to fit a particular size gondola (GON1). In the future, I plan to have available different sizes of cages to fit different sizes of gondolas. For now, only the one size is available.