[8] A Salute to the Noble Ladybug

Written and performed by Monty Dicksion

copyright 2021

New recording of a song I've been playing since the mid 1970's.

It's a song that has long been in need of a worthy title, which, until now I've always called "Faw-Ixed."

Why did used to call it "Faw-Ixed"?

Because it reminded me of baroque music.  But I knew it wasn't really baroque.  So I thought, "If it ain't 'Ba-roque' it must be "Faw-Ixed!"

Well, I always knew that "Faw-Ixed" was a dumb name for a song.  And so when I re-recorded it for the "As Live As I Can Make It" project, I decided it should finally have a decent name.

But what?

I wanted something pleasant to go with the feeling of the song.  And this is what I chose.